Week 5
Phonics Activities
Please follow your phonics teachers’ week by week guide.
Day 1
Read or listen to “The very quiet cricket”
Day 2
In the story “The very quiet cricket” the cricket meets lots of different insects. Do some research on the internet or using non-fiction books on different insects.
Mini beast adventures with Jess is a great to help you get started:
Day 3
In the story “The very quiet cricket” the cricket meets lots of different insects. Using your research from yesterday, choose one insect to write a fact file about using the insect fact file template to guide you.
Day 4
Mini beasts and their habitats. Can you remember what a habitat is? Look at the different habitats and match the insect it belongs to. You could even make a bug hotel in your garden like the ones we’ve seen at forest.
Day 5
Show and Tell
Have you got an object or photograph linked to our topic this term ‘Bugs, Beans and tall Dreams’,
Can you prepare a short show and tell and ask a grown up to record it and upload it to Early Essence. Perhaps your grown up could even ask you questions about it.
Extra challenges
- Mini beast matching cards -read the clues. Can you say which mini beast it could be.
- Can you label the different insects?