Moorlands Primary School

Week 3

Day 1

Plants – powerpoint – What Plants Need to Grow video

Talk about how we have different parts of our body and explain that a plant has too. Show the children the powerpoint of the different parts of the plant.

Can you label all the parts of the plant either on the attached sheet or your could draw and label their own plant?

Day 2

Can you practise correctly forming One armed robot letters? See the examples below. 

Day 3


Find your favourite tree / plant either in your garden, on a walk or through your window. Get comfy with a pencil and some plain appear. Can you do an observational drawing of the tree? Look closely at the shape of the tree, the size, the colours, copy exactly what you see. Look at the shape and sizes of the leaves and maybe flowers or buds, can you draw the shape?

Day 4

Understanding the world activity – 

Linking with Literacy

Can you do some of the challenges on the attached sheet for the life cycle of a butterfly?