We recommended to continue with listening to your child read for 20 minutes per day. Additional books have been sent home. However, you can also access free e-books linked to reading age and phonics, as well as top tips, games and activities here:
We have also included two comprehensions below.
You could use your own book or a book we have studied in school e.g. The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.
Compare the similarities and differences between two characters in the book.
What was your favourite part of the story? Why?
Find two words with the same sounds but different spellings. Eg. sail and sale
Does this text remind you of any otehrs you've read. Explain.
Write a list of questions you would ask the main character. How would they answer?
Predict what you think will happen next or suggest an alternative.
Write and answer your own comprehension questions about your story (inference, retrieval and opinion questions).