Moorlands Primary School


Day 1


Number of the week

The number of the week is a 2- digit number

The number of the week is double 6 add 7

The number of the week is one more than 18

The number of the week is one less than 20

The number of the week is



Can you use a number line to work out different ways to make 19?

Can you then record your number sentence?

Day 2



Can you guess the shape of the week?

The shape of the week is a 3D shape

The shape of the week has 6 faces.

All of the faces are square.

The shape of the week has 8 corners / vertices

The shape of the week has 12 edges

The shape of the week is a cube.


Can you make a cube? How many cubes can you find in your house?  How many cubes can you find outdoors?

Day 3

Activity Doubling:

Can you watch the story This is the Story of Alison Hubble?

Doubling means finding twice as many, explain doubling is when you add the exact same number/amount and then count how many you have all together. You can use objects, dice or fingers to double. You could get different amounts of objects of up to 20 and find their doubles or have a go at the ladybird doubling sheets.    

Day 4

Activity Doubling:

Watch Number Blocks double trouble:

Can you have a go at answering the double number sheet?

Day 5

Activity Doubling:

Can you listen to the doubling song?

Once your child is familiar with the doubles try and encourage them to recite the doubles e.g double 1=2, double 2=4.

Can you have a go at the game below? Make sure you click on the doubling part and then set the number range.

Whiterose maths hub are also doing daily lessons and activities which are really useful if you prefer some additional or alternative maths activities.

The Maths Factor website by Carole Vorderman is a good website for developing mathematical skills of recognising numbers, addition, subtraction and times tables. You can access some activities and games by going onto the website or you can join for free to access more of the games and resources. It takes a few days to register your account. You can click on games from the key stage 1 section. You can also add on accounts for older siblings.